Peter has been working in the industry since 2008 and before that spent 4 years playing both online and live poker. After playing over 1 million hands online and reviewing hundreds of thousands of hands for cheating, detecting this type of thing is second nature to him. Peter worked for the biggest and second biggest online poker companies in the world from 2008-2013. With Full Tilt Poker and PokerStars, he worked in the security and fraud departments, dealing with everything from deposit fraud, to bots to collusion and all in between. He took a particular interest in both high-end deposit fraud rings (fraudulent Credit Card, ACH, and eWallet deposit) and also promotion abuse, honing his skills on both topics and helping Full Tilt Poker realize how much money they were losing over the 2. Since leaving them, Peter has moved into consulting for different companies full time.
In the last 7 years, he has been a product owner and designed 2 entire administrative backends, for 2 different sites – one for DFS (Daily Fantasy Sports) and the other for online poker. This includes all player information pages, security & financial tools, along with reports, which ultimately will be used by all operations staff on a daily basis. For casino clients, he reviews all weekly promotions sent to players, making sure that the terms of the promotions are less likely to be able to be abused. A full analysis of take up rate and overall abuse of them is performed, which is then used to adjust future promotions, as well as removing fraudulent players from the site. Peter has also relaunched & managed the online poker room of operator on a network. Most recently, he managed an entire poker network (MPN – Microgaming), building liquidity & making sure that cash games, tournaments and associated promotions run smoothly. When online operators contact us, Peter will assist them in any of these areas.